This gift opened up to me gradually, so now I can also support you in this magical way on your journey of the heart and soul.
Miracle codes and symbols
Miracle codes and symbols are actually a so-called light language. Light language has several explanations.
Language of the Soul / Higher Self
Coded transmission of pure love. In each code (be it a sound, symbol or sign) there is actually a large charge of quantum information hidden, which serves to release the old or to activate the new
This transmission can help you remember the various capacities of your Soul (memories of past lives including galactic ones, connection with your Soul family and your guides, deepening of your spiritual Gifts and much more)
Choose one of 100 colors and I will write you special activation codes on A3 paper right in one of the sacred places at one of the waterfalls in Bali, which you can connect with any intention of your soul and your heart. Or you can have the codes written down without any special intention and have the gifts from the symbols given to you Bali that you can open through these codes. You can have the codes written with a more general intention, for example by wanting to support, facilitate, activate some area in life through this sacred place (abundance, health, partnership, relationships, self-development) or you can set an intention that the codes will support what is most in harmony with your soul in the greatest ease, joy and love.
Tato nabídka je speciální tím, že pro vás budu kódy sepisovat přímo na jednom z posvátných míst na Havaji. Můžete si vybrat speciální barvu fixy, kterou pro vás budu kódy psát a kreslit, a také záměr, se kterým pro vás budu kódy kreslit.
Ostrov Kauai je považován za jedno z míst, kde se nacházela bájná
Lemurie – prastará země, která je stále živá ve svých vibracích a energii. Tato posvátná místa na ostrově jsou prostoupena moudrostí, klidem a hlubokým spojením s přírodou.
888 Kč
The offer is time and capacity limited.
I wish you toas you open this offering, support and anchor what your heart desires.
What the offer includes:
Drawing codes and symbols for your soul directly in one of the sacred places on Bali
Incense stick from Bali
Sending a drawing with a stick after returning from the trip in the week of 3/5.
If thisthe offer appealed to your heart, youfill out the order formbelow.
You will then receive an email with payment details
After completing the payment, I will send you a special form for maximum attunement to your intention.