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The day I decided to say YES to the topic of miracles. A wave of synchronicities and the discovery ofthe Miracle Factory.

A story about the day I said YES to the topic of miracles and synchronicities. A story about what

happened a few hours after I discovered the Miracle Factory and became a miracle coach. And I'm also

including a guide on how not to focus on the HOW in your life.

Start sharing this already! The inner voice within me was growing louder.

Gradually, more and more synchronicities came to me. It all culminated one evening when I told myself,

"YES, I allow it." Simultaneously, on that evening, we received a book from Jan Allister titled "Dovol si

to!" ("Allow Yourself!"). Even here, the message was symbolically and humorously contained. As soon as

I allowed it, the true miraculous journey began!

I had no idea that the card deck launch would also be the launch of me and my topic.

On November 21, 2021, the Card Deck for Life launch took place. I was the patron of the entire event and

I also baptized the cards along with their creator, Katřina Rae. Yet, in the morning, I had no idea that it

would also be the baptism of myself and my new topic that had long wanted to be seen and shared. The

topic of miracles and synchronicities.

The entire event was beautiful, filled with inspiring talks from various mentors and coaches. Full of vegan

food, lovely shops and interesting people. I didn't feel like giving a talk. I promised to baptize the cards,

bring my ritual chocolate and enjoy the event without further obligations.

During the evening I felt my nervousness increasing.

I realized I actually had nothing prepared and Katka and I hadn't prepared the baptism itself either. It's

okay. I decided to focus my attention on more and more relaxation. At times, it worked, and at times, it

didn't. I felt that something significant was happening for me. Some sort of transition, test or initiation

into this topic. In the lecture hall, sacred geometry made of crystals was set up, intended to support the

entire evening and each individual in their themes. I felt very warm, which the constructed pattern likely

amplified. I started sweating. Oh well. Just now, when I have to go on stage.

The time came to baptize the cards.

A few minutes before the baptism, Katka and I quickly met and discussed how we would do it.

I took two large seashells from home, feeling that I needed to bring them with me. When Katka saw them,

she told me that the way the cards had come to her was connected to an image of the goddess Aphrodite,

who had brought these cards on a seashell. The shells were a clear connection to her vision and the image

she had seen when the inspiration for the cards came. We both rejoiced in our connection and alignment.

We filled one of the shells with dried roses and the other with my ritual chocolate. The moment of baptism


I blushed and didn't know what to say. Suddenly, my mind went completely blank.

Katka had an introductory speech that ended up stretching to 15 minutes. During her talk, I realized that I

had a total void. I looked at the audience, at all those amazing speakers and in my head, there was just a

total NOTHING. I started feeling warmth in my cheeks, which reminded me of my trauma from any kind

of public speaking in elementary and high school. "Well, whatever. It's okay. What's the worst that could

happen?" I reassured myself. I'll just say something from the heart and it will be okay. It's always okay. I

blushed even more.

What I said wasn't from my mind. It was happening through me.

Katka handed me the microphone and introduced me as someone who lives in the field of miracles. And

so I began to speak. And actually, I don't even know what all I said on that topic. But what was spoken

wasn't from my mind.

It was a beautiful experience for me. To immerse myself in the topic at a moment when I was as nervous

as I hadn't been in a long time. And it worked. After I finished, people began to applaud and I realized that

I had enjoyed it and that it had somehow happened through me.

We baptized the cards. We wished them and everyone who would own them the ability to make miracles a

regular part of their lives, to be able to see them and for the miraculous flow to happen more and more.

Tip: If you'd like to gift the cards to your loved ones or yourself, you can read about them or purchase

The whole event ended and I felt like I had walked on hot coals.

A great calm began to settle in, along with relaxation and at the same time, immense enthusiasm and strength to somehow grasp this topic and share it further.

On that evening, I still didn't know how I would approach this new topic.

I simply enjoyed the excitement of the new topic. The HOW things should happen is something I haven't

been concerned about for a long time. I know I don't even want to think about solving it.

Miraculous solutions come when you're open not to worry about HOW. It's just from the decision you make with your heart. After some time, you'll feel exactly what needs to be done. And if you follow the path of your heart, you'll receive a lot of support in the form of synchronicities and small or big miracles.

The whole event ended, and Honza and I went for an evening stroll in Prague. We treated ourselves to a

trip without the children. They stayed home with their grandparents.

I felt that a message was waiting for me at the end of the tunnel.

We wandered around a Prague district, talking about what had happened that day and about my new

journey. Suddenly, we arrived at a tunnel that connects Karlín with Žižkov. On it, there's a giant sign that

says NEBOJ, which means "Don't Be Afraid" in Czech. Honza suggested that we walk through it. The

tunnel is quite long, about a 15-minute uphill walk. At first, I hesitated, as it was already late in the

evening. But suddenly, I felt that a message or sign was waiting for me at the end of the tunnel.

So, we went through it. As we walked, the feeling grew stronger, and I shared it with Honza. "I feel that

there's a sign waiting for us at the end of the tunnel," I told him. "Well, let's see what awaits us. I'm

genuinely curious."

Something awaited us that I couldn't have thought of myself.

We walked through the tunnel and at its end, something awaited us that I truly wouldn't have expected

given the theme of miracles and the context of the entire evening. And I certainly wouldn't have come up

with it. The tunnel ended with a wall on which posters were displayed and one of them was for a magical

one-man show called "Továrna na zázraky," which translates to "The Miracle Factory." I stood in front of

that poster, feeling that immense childlike joy.

Finding this after an event that had opened up the theme of miracles for me publicly? Such symbolism and such timing? I know the Universe is perfect, but it's also quite humorous!

I took a photo of the poster and shared it, and then I received an invitation for a live broadcast.

My excitement was enormous, so I took a photo of the poster and shared it publicly in my stories. There

were many reactions and one of them was an invitation to a live broadcast in Lucie Alfera's "Channelingový klub" (Channeling Club). Lucie told me that she had been following me for a long time and that she would like to interview me on the topic of chocolate and miracles.

And since I had decided to say YES to this new theme and everything that comes with it, Lucie and I

arranged the interview.

How did the interview go and what synchronicities accompanied it? I wrote a whole article about it. You'll

find the link to the full video interview in it. In the end, Lucie and I agreed to publish it outside the "Channeling club" as well. And the reactions were wonderful! People from the "Channeling club" immediately requested another interview with me - this time on the topic of miracles.

And what happened the next day after my YES?

A friend of mine living in Switzerland contacted me, asking if I would be her mentor and coach for

miracles. So, once again, I said YES. Although I don't yet have a clear picture of how such coaching will

proceed, I already know that I won't invent it and it will unfold exactly as needed. I also know that this

project and my new path will unfold by itself and will be supported by miracles - for me and for those

who allow them into their lives.

I look forward to everything that comes. For me and for all of you.

♥ Your Zuzka Noah


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